Friday, October 2

robespierre, what a crazy motherfucker.

"...Illness had kept Robespierre away from the Convention since his appearance at the Festival of the Supreme Being. His reappearance in the National Convention on 26 July and his speech which, included threates to unnamed deputies, rallied his opponents. Robespierre claimed:

Every scoundrel insults me. Let them prepare hemlock for me. I will wait on these sacred seats. I have promised to leave a formidable testament to the oppressors of the people. I bequeath them the truth...and death.

The next day, as he attempted to speak, the deputies broke into cries of 'Down with the Tyrant! To the Guillotine!'. The deputy Vadier rose and listed accusations against him, at which stage, Robespierre lost his composure.

Rushing up and down the steps of the rostrum, he shouted 'Death! Death!' at each deputy he pointed to.
Thuriot was chairman of the Convention, Robespierre turned to him and shouted 'For the last time, will you give me time to speak, President of murderers?' His voice then broke and into the silence someone called out 'Ah! Danton's blood chokes you.' When he collapsed on a seat, he was violently shoved: 'Monster! How dare you? That was Vergniaud's seat!'"

To follow:
1 jaw shooting suicide attempt
101 executions
5 factions in the convention
2 cheeky muscadins
3 major schools of historiography
of which i may or may not have made up quotes for. good one.

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