Wednesday, October 7

story of my life.

always with the procrastination.
i could write a novel in the time i spend avoiding it.
bake cakes
clean the house
watch a movie
paint ink all over your hands and feet
annotate your folio
read several non compulsory books
write a blog
send text messages implying you are so, so free to do anything, that does not involve study
have another cigarette
buy some orange juice
friendly facebook stalk

lazy. i think that's the word i'm looking for.

everything's a negative of everything else. these days i look at the world like a great big set of undeveloped pictures, and all the people are unduly black and their hair is white and the negative of me is, i don't know.

we tried to work it out.
we think it's a really hardcore basketball jock. someone who understands sport-talk and wakes up early For The Team and really enjoys motivational running around.
or a Bush loving redneck
i wouldn't count on it.

the negative of lydia is awkward clunky person, and the negative of brendon is shy boy that doesn't know what to say. the negative of lee is ultra macho.
it's easier to define what you DON'T want in a partner, than what you do want.

my phone refuses to ring when i want it to.
i should work. probably. or go procrastinate elsewhere.

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