Wednesday, September 30

spiegeltent withdrawal symptoms.

probably the most beautiful fun-tent to never come to melbourne this season.

following on from the introduction of amazing cabaret loveliness that is the butterfly club; i miss spiegeltent. not that i'll be in melbourne during spiegel season. but still. come back please. we can play dress-ups and talk to the boy in the top hat and have nice cocktails and watch your brilliant gypsy music and jazz music and interpretive fucking dance. croque monsieur and amanda palmer will come back. there will be tim minchin-ing and ali macgregor-ing and people watching while waiting in lines and overpriced coffee and sleeping in the grass. we good?

"A European Mirror Tent - the ultimate cabaret and music salon.

Spiegeltents are hand-hewn pavilions used as traveling dance halls, bars and entertainment salons since they were created in the early 20th century. There are only a hand-full of these unique and legendary ‘tents of mirrors’ left in the world today. Built of wood, mirrors, canvas, leaded glass and detailed in velvet and brocade, each has its own personality and style.
The most beautiful of the last remaining Belgian Spiegeltents, The Famous Spiegeltent, was built in 1920 by master craftsmen Oscar Mols Dom and Loius Goor. This Grande Dame has spent her lifetime at the bequest of festivals and fairgrounds throughout Europe and beyond, playing host to the world’s greatest cabaret artists, musicians and circus burlesque performers.

Since Marlene Dietrich sang ‘Falling In love Again’ on The Famous Spiegeltent stage in the 1930’s, its magic mirrors have reflected thousands of images of artists, audiences and exotic gatherings.

The Famous Spiegeltent is the very essence of a festival club, ‘kabaret salon’ and intimate concert hall. Like every old theatre, her ghosts travel with her, woven into ballooning velvet canopies, circular teak dance floor and stained, cut-glass windows. Her intimate booths, ornate bar and beveled mirror columns hold a million secrets while her glorious Art Nouveau chandelier, or trapeze rig, swings overhead.

The Famous Spiegeltent is a mainstay of the Edinburgh Festivals season and is a star in her own right, hosting parties, concerts, clubs and a myriad stunning performances. She has launched the careers of countless artists and travels to the four corners of the world from Edinburgh to Melbourne, Brighton to Montreal.

The Famous Spiegeltent embodies the living spirit of her operational team of the cheekiest hat checkers in the business. She is a living legend and will forever remain the stuff of dreams!
Welcome to the unique world within a world of The Famous Spiegeltent!

The Spiegelmaestro

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