Monday, May 31

Thursday, May 27

daria approves.

"dad, stop oppressing me with your totally mainstream totalitarianism" - one half of haitlin on Orwell being a modern-day-flinders-st-emo.

can't deal with Winston's dark hole of the future. nor Orwell's intense amounts of repetition in his writing. nor poor construction nor thinly veiled self-promotion attempts nor political writers trying to be literary writers nor english teachers that can't write, read or speak.

i do, however, appreciate the fuck out of this.

Monday, May 24

nerd win.

maybe to be spoken

metal against metal sparks
the voice of contracted language
drawing patters with the soles of
grubby feet we are
we are
...always, the red shirts banging doors
and we are eerie
phone ringing on the intercom
coughing through wires
announcements for no-one.

unfinished and not to be spoken

sordid drizzle of smoke
as the
lights flash, gears pulling us
to grey alignment, the traffic
lights buzz
like sirens.

clank of trams rev electric
in the gravel wind, catching
rats - our urban deerlings - in their dark.

Wednesday, May 19

lithuanian poetry

soviets prove the implicit in a town
where rows of shells cut
crust-blood at the corners of your nose
and a language without syntax

"over the skeleton of thought
mind builds a skin of human texture"
- Gwen Harwood

Saturday, May 15

+ roadtrip hometimes.

too tired to write, however:

testament to the amount that young people can do has never been so strong.

later i will post on the speakers i heard, the people i met or the things we did; the enthusiasm and unenthusiasm, the yelling and screaming or the not sleeping or eating or organizing.

for now, suffice to say that even cynic mc angst face is inspired.

Tuesday, May 4

a bit pretty

i have an ongoing conversation with one of my friends who tells me that he needs a muse to write well.
i disagree. nonononono.
i create all of my bestest art when i'm heartbroken and sleepless.
that being said, i wouldn't trade today for the world.

"line breaks don't make you a poet; canvas does not make you an artist; and a debit card, school uniform and camera phone decidedly fail to make you a real person."

dislike the sound of my written voice and
enjoy the tap-tap-tap of procrastination.

"careers are a 21st century invention, and i don't want one"

nonfic writing + being stuck in a university. i am a big fan of the purely theoretical. pragmatism and politics mix but pragmatism and casi do not. hence; therefore and moreover, we know nothing.

squeeze my hand.