Friday, February 5

a whole bunch of quotes from an interview with an artist i don't really like

I don’t like the things I make existing in real life because of all the baggage associated with physical spaces and the problems of perception with the viewer.

Images are not objects for my generation. If we really follow the Pictures Generation’s ideas to their logical conclusion we see that images as objects are just a bastardization of a bastardization.

I also don’t believe objects will be objects for long.

Our cement bridges collapse and our levees disintegrate when confronted with what they’re designed to combat.
Glaciers miles thick have melted away.
Every bit of new technology around me is made obsolete in months.T
he looming threat of global warming is a physical one that threatens the permanence of the ground we stand on.

All of this and people still want to press paint on a canvas that can be ripped, or stitch fibers millimeters wide.

These types of art making art futile. Objects don’t stand a chance. But in the mean time, in the brief historical period before objects are permanently annihilated, they serve as our greatest inconvenience and take up all of our space. One day we’ll run out of space for everything- for our collections of Furbies, for our families of 12, for our 3 ton $2 million dollar reflective egg sculptures and everything else.

- Brad Troemel


  1. Hullo,
    I'm not sure who you are but that's actually kind of great. I'm very flattered you appreciated my poetry.

  2. someone had given me your blog to look at rather a while ago. it's lovely.

