Friday, November 20

big clean out of the room.

shaking off the dusty cape
because she used to love it.

in preparation for my departure for paris/inspired by the lovely room of pretty things i slept in last night, i decided to come home and clean. my room is messier. but i've thrown out junk magazines and replaced them with my new typewriter. i threw out my trashy books and now there's space on my bookshelf for zines and all the books that have been lying around in piles on my floor and bed.
whilst cleaning i found this: (an unsent letter from me to an old boyfriend. written during an art exam. better than finding money or food, even.)

"Dear Boy,
I do not like contemporary sculpture. I do not like it one bit. It's a pile of wank. Ugly, wank. How unfortunate for the art world, that there are people making godawful trucks in art galleries and pieces of al foil and a fucking chop saw.
Studio Arts exam, what the fuck is that? 15 marks on perspective? Now that's just lazy.

There is a quote, I will find it for you one day, but it makes me happy. It's about fuck, we get it, art is everyday objects, art is ugly, art is difficult and art is everywhere. Don't dwell. As an artist, it's not your job to create something irritating. Something petty. It's no longer revolutionary to take a picture of garbage and be like oh, fuck, consumerist modern society, cry. It's not for the artist to keep trying to prove a point that's been made long enough. Yes, art is anything. Yes, that includes gladwrap. Yes, that includes 1000 hours of video footage of a plain white wall.

The role of art - as I see it - now - it's not to prove what pop art already has. It's to create something real. It's not to dwell. It's forward. It's making something, in a world that feels nothing - be it good or bad - that creates feeling, or meaning, something that doesn't imitate or make fun of life, but embraces it.
I'm so sick of cynicism in art. We're fucking alive.

I hope you agree/disagree. I love you.

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