Tuesday, April 28

the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

people who write happy graffiti make my life :)

i will write when my brain works more fully

we are more than political pornography in an increasingly hostile situation.
we are words that change worlds.
we are peace in the gutter and life in the fast lane, hyped up, slowed down, opposing everything
(doing nothing)
free tibet. eat some tofu. smile at strangers. save the fucking planet.

Sunday, April 5

"...well, it could be a big skyscraperish building if it we decorated really really cabaret. and long and thin and dark-coloured, with flashes of cabaret colours like red and gold. and beautiful old fashioned doors at the bottom, and on each floor there are long thin windows, darkened most of the time, particularly during the day, but at night music plays and if you are on the street you look up at them and see elaborately-dressed slightly chubby ladies dancing with tall thin men. and they are all holding cocktail glasses and there is this kind of warm glow coming out of the windows.
and that's my picture painted.
i think i will actually paint that scene one day..."


poetry of a politics class.

vote of no confidence!
opposition does
very little.

pluralism simply
means multitude
of opinions

alternative of opposition
pressure and special interest
no personal

astronomically high voter turnout